Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 1 for the umpteenth time

Today for the umpteenth time I am starting to try the healthy eating and getting some sort of exercise regime again. I am so disappointed in my self. I used to be so fine looking and I don't know how I have let my self go like this. The more I think about how fat I have become the more I get depressed, the more I run to food to comfort me.
That feeling of a full belly just makes me wanna cuddle up in bed and watch TV or fall asleep. I know it is the worst thing to do but I cant seem to help my self. It's like I'm addicted to food, like crack to an addict.
I'm starting this blog to vent my feelings about how I feel and how my struggle goes. Today I took Lola ( my dog) for a walk, after about 5 minutes I started to feel my calves killing me, I was feeling hot and bothered. I was just so flipping mad, but I knew I had to do it. I cant believe at 30 I am so out of shape. So after our 40 minute walk, poor Lola was so hot and tired. I came back home and was feeling nauseous, my boyfriend said, drink something sweet because your sugar level is down.
Well I had a few sips of ice tea and I did feel better. Then my resolve kicked in, I went to the grocery to get some healthy eating stuff. So I bought a whole bunch of veggies and fruit and other healthy snacks. I'm hoping I can make this lifestyle change and stick to it this time. I crave some greasy and fried and oily good home cooking, which I know is so bad for me.
How do you quit food that you are addicted to when you have to eat food to live. I wish it was as simple as never smoking a cigarette again.
Well I'm off to play my game on Face book and then do some school work. We shall see how tomorrow goes.

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